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Information about STEREO-A close approach to Earth, August 2023


Where is STEREO Today?

Positions of STEREO A and B for 30-Jun-2024 21:00 UT

Plot of spacecraft positions

This figure plots the current positions of the STEREO Ahead (red) and Behind (blue) spacecraft relative to the Sun (yellow) and Earth (green). The dotted lines show the angular displacement from the Sun. Units are in A.U.

When the two spacecraft are close to Earth, an expanded view of the region around Earth will appear on the right, in the same orientation as the Sun-centered view.

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                                STEREO-B           Earth        STEREO-A       Parker SP   Solar Orbiter     BepiColombo

Heliocentric distance (AU)      1.073249        1.016669        0.954493        0.071701        0.953729        0.547334
Semidiameter (arcsec)            894.134         943.894        1005.379       13383.704        1006.185        1753.277

HCI longitude                    183.942         203.273         220.993         135.987           8.386         145.082
HCI latitude                       0.307           2.881           4.899          -2.644           3.115          -3.377

Carrington longitude             327.709         347.040           4.760         279.755         152.153         288.850
Carrington rotation number      2286.090        2286.036        2285.987        2286.223        2285.577        2286.198

Heliographic (HEEQ) longitude    -19.331           0.000          17.720         -67.286         165.113         -58.190
Heliographic (HEEQ) latitude       0.307           2.881           4.899          -2.644           3.115          -3.377

HAE longitude                    259.715         279.207         296.999         211.742          83.695         220.714

Earth Ecliptic (HEE) longitude   -19.492           0.000          17.792         -67.464         164.489         -58.493
Earth Ecliptic (HEE) latitude     -0.196           0.000           0.125           2.397           4.149           0.782

Roll from ecliptic north          -0.553                          -0.387
Roll from solar north             -7.787                          -5.854

Light travel time to Earth (min)           2.979           2.586                   8.246          16.228           7.211

Separation angle with Earth               19.493          17.793                  67.485         163.957          58.496
Separation angle A with B                         37.285

Carrington rotation 2286 runs from 2024-06-29 21:30 (DOY 181.90) to
2024-07-27 02:25 (DOY 209.10), as seen from Earth.

Last Revised: Sunday, 30-Jun-2024 21:01:05 UTC
Responsible NASA Official: [email address: Therese.A.Kucera<at>nasa<dot>gov]
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